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السبت، 17 ديسمبر 2011

ضرب من قبل شرطة نيويورك فضيحة أخرى على الانترنتNYPD hit by another online scandal

ضرب من قبل شرطة نيويورك فضيحة أخرى على الانترنت

تعليقات مثيره للجدل سربت  من الفيس بوك تزعم ان مجاميع من ظباط شرطة نيويورك استخدمة القوه المفرطه ضد المتظاهرين بموافقة عمدة نيويورك مايكل بلومبرج في الوول ستريت 

Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:1PM
NYPD hit by another online scandal
Controversial comments leaked from a Facebook account allegedly belonging to a New York Police Department officer reflect NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg's approval of the use of excessive force against Anti-Wall Street protesters.

The Facebook profile thought to belong to NYPD officer Michael DeRosa, Sr. reveal words exchanged between several officers on November 17, 2011, the day which marked the two-month anniversary of the Occupy movement, Russia Today reported. 

Before joining the Brooklyn Bridge Arrest Team that day, DeRosa posted “On my way to wall street…..Let the savagery begin….Hey Aaron see its [sic] not a racist statement!” 

According to the report, DeRosa's remarks are referring to another online scandal involving racism covered by Russia Today last month. 

Another officer, Rey Hernandez responded to DeRosa's posts by saying “wish I was there with you guys..it would be nice to crack a white guy over the head.” 

A second Facebook buddy of DeRosa's adds, “Lock one up for me!” 

The previous NYPD scandal involved several profiles allegedly registered by officers who were linked to a public Facebook group where other cops made prejudiced remarks against people participating in the annual West Indian Day festival. 

Since last month, officers with names matching those involved in the scandal have largely denied any involvement. DeRosa has also closed down his formerly-public profile. 

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